Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Keep Calm

Many would say that it has been over done, but if I like something I really don't care. I felt the same way  about the Cole & Son Woods wallpaper that I put in our guest bathroom. The only difficult part about getting the poster was agonizing over deciding on what color, but once I did I ordered it from here

For me the kitchen was the perfect place to hang it.


  1. Oh yes, ich bin auch ein großer Keep Calm Poster/Spruch Fan, egal ob In oder Out. Sieht toll aus deine neue Errungenschaft! Sobald ich mein Schlaf-/Arbeitszimmer umgestaltet habe, steht ein türkisfarbenes auf meiner Wunschliste. Schöne Woche wünsch' ich dir! Tesca

  2. Several families gather inside the kitchen countertops and it is truly the focal point of the property. Other individuals only use the kitchen for cooking and would like to focus improvements on function and efficiency.

  3. ohhh das find ich soooo toll! sieht toll in eurer küche aus...

  4. Your kitchen is so nice and clean and uncluttered. Love the machine!

  5. Ich liebe dieses Poster und die gewählte Farbe - einfach wunderschön!


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