Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thonet Stool

I have had this Thonet stool for close to, well for a long time.   The finish wasn't really in the best  condition and a few years ago I decided to stain it.  Dark brown.   I sanded it, applied the stain and it came out looking like this.

A little mottled, yes?  It is photogenic though and looks a lot better in this picture than it actually is. Probably the good bones. 

Now it is time to take up the project again.  This time around I plan to paint it and most importantly finish the job (notice the bottom ring).   The big question now is color.  I have been thinking black, off white, yellow, red and have even considered hot pink (an idea I got from Anna's post).  At the moment yellow is a strong contender, but the field is still wide open.  I am thinking I should use spray paint rather than whip out the old brush.  Any experience?


  1. I actually like the bottom ring in a different finish. I also think it would be lovely painted. I haven't tried spray painting but I think if I was to go for a bright colour like hot pink I would attempt the spray. Would look fantastic bright pink!

  2. I am not a painter, I have painted but not well...just plain lack of experience. I like the way the stool looks, kind of like metal but it sounds like you want something bright. I remember you have a letter on your wall that is also a cabinet (hopefully I have that right), anyway, I want to say I remember it being red, but whatever color, maybe you could paint the stool that. Hope you share after you're done.

  3. Ich liebe Thonet Stühle aller Art... Was hälst du denn davon, ihn mit Kalkschlämme zu streichen. Das Finish sieht wirklich toll aus. Aktuell mag ich auch die neutralen Farben von Painting the Past... Oder du nimmst 'ne Knallfarbe. Lieben Gruß Tesca

  4. A thumbs up on the the spray paint! A bright teal wouls also be lovely in your home :)

  5. ohhh toll! ich hab nen thonet schaukelstuhl - denk ich... bin mir nicht sicher, obs ein original is. hab ich meinen eltern abgeschwatzt.

    egal wie, bin gespannt, was draus wird. vielleicht streich ich mein stück dann auch!?

  6. Thanks everyone for your input.
    @tesca - checked out painting the past. die haben tolle wandfarben. danke.
    @naughtyrenter - teal would be great too! I think the decision is down to that or yellow
    @ soisses - oh ja, waere lustig. du haettest aber eindeutig mehr arbeit als ich.

  7. to be honest,i like it just the way it is; a bit of both.
    it looks so unique and so lovely to me!

  8. I like it how it is, but that bottom rung bugs me...probably just me. However, I like the idea of painting it the same yellow as your kitchen poster =) My experience with spray paint is that lots of thin coats sprayed from far back makes for a nice paint job and no drips. It also makes for a huge mess, so if you do it be sure to cover everything in a 10ft radius.

    Looking forward to seeing what you do with it!

  9. Grrr, I just wrote a comment how I love the idea of painting it hot pink and how I recomment plasti-kote spray paint but not blogger ate this comment....

    Anyway, I can only recommend them. Check out all the colors they come in at http://de.plasti-kote.co.uk/Product/pcode---4181. Plus they are available in matte or glossy and are super easy to work with and dry very fast!

  10. Frau Haselmayer - DAAAANKE! Habe schon alles was ich brauche, nur halt noch nicht die Farbe. Das Wesentliche halt. :) War schon in etliche Baumärkte, nur im Hornbach nicht, und war von der uninspirierten Farb/Finisch-auswahl enttaüscht. Nochmal danke für den Tip!

  11. Ja, die Farbauswahl in den meisten Baumärkten ist super enttäuschend...habe ich jetzt auch wieder auf der Suche nach Lack für unser Küchenbüffett gemerkt. Und letztendlich sind wir doch bei langweiligem Weiß geblieben...

    Unser Hornbach hat leider auch nicht alle plasti-kote Farben, aber immerhin doch eine relativ große Auswahl.


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