Thursday, June 2, 2011

More of Less

This is more of a case of moving my stuff around and buying something awesome to put it in, but I don't care because I love my new ÃTRAN.

I love that it is red and looks like the letter "C" (letter & number fanatic here).   My name is Monica with a "c" and since I grew up in Germany it was always something that I had to emphasize (it is generally spelled with a "k" here).

After taking the temporary cabinet out of our bathroom I needed a place to store the cough syrup, Tylenol etc.  I wanted to store them someplace else since a bathroom is not the ideal place for medicine storage because of the heat and moisture.  Since we don't need constant access I decided to put the new cabinet in the basement stairway.   This freed up some space in a kitchen drawer as well and I love the way the cabinet looks here.  Can you tell I like it?  The ÃTRAN would be great as a landing strip/catch all by a front door too.

This post was made possible with the help of my husband and his drill.  Thanks Honey!


  1. Love it! I couldn't even tell it is a fun!

  2. Oh der is ja toll! Wir brauchen auch unbedingt noch ein Medikamentenschrank;)
    Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar, ich bin jetzt auch sehr zufrieden mit der Wand! Die Farbe haben wir uns mischen lassen.
    LG Vanessa

  3. WO HAST DU DEN HER? ich versuche seit ungelogen 2 jahren den her zu bekommen. aber in deutschland is das anscheinend unmöglich. drum bin ich grad fast schon sauer. ich hab gegoogelt, ich hab gesucht, ich hab bei ebay gekuckt... *schluchz*

    egal wie, steht eurem zuhause super!

  4. @ everyone - Thanks!
    @ Dani - IKEA Mannheim, hoffe das du auch ein findest.

  5. oooh! I want one! And what are the cabinets beneath? Those shoe storage ones from IKEA? I am going to copy you on my basement stairs Monica!

  6. @ Dana - Yes, they are the TRONES shoe cabinets from IKEA. They no longer sell them in white in Germany (only black and red), not sure if this applies to the States. They do have some alternatives though.


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