Saturday, June 25, 2011

Strawberry update

Several weeks ago I posted about the strawberries that I received as a gift from Marie.  I am absolutely thrilled about how well they are doing and wanted to share some pictures of their progress.

Here they are making nice green leaves.

And here they are making nice runners.

Here they are making flowers....

And here they are making fruit.  YES!  I just know that these will be the best strawberries ever.  They are from Brooklyn.


  1. My property was part of a homestead and I'm finding random strawberries all over the place.....but they just seem to be shooting runners no blooms yet. Were so hoping for a few berries this summer. Your plant looks so beautiful and full, that must be the Brooklyn part. I love NYC!

  2. Isn't that amazing how well they have done after the big trip from the Big Apple..How fun!

  3. Jet setter fruits!

  4. das erinnert mich daran, dass ich auch unbedingt erdbeeren im garten anlegen wollte. mein kleiner schatz dreht ja schon vor freude durch, wenn er ne rote himbeere entdeckt ;)

    dein kommentar ist ja zu köstlich :) wie süß ist das denn? na da kann ich nur hoffen, dass die eisrezepte es wert sind...

    fühl dich gedrückt - dani


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