Friday, June 10, 2011

Stripe Mania!

Last week Holly invited everyone to a virtual Stripe Mania party (in short take picture of yourself in stripes, post & tweet it) and I immediately thought to myself "I want in."  A bit unusual because I can't stand having my picture taken.  Case in point, the profile picture that I have been using is over 3 years old.  Perfect opportunity for a change I would say.

Come on, join the party! 


  1. Monica, you are sooo adorable!! How fun to be so brave and do this...actually, I'm wearing stripes right now but that is as far as I will be going.

    Have a great weekend! xo

  2. cute shot! I've seen the stripe mania posts but don't know if I even have a striped something...I have a chevron striped dress...huh. I think your picture is great! Nice to 'see' you! =)

  3. ja und... du hast dich in den 3 jahren ja nicht verändert ;) siehst wahnsinnig sympathisch aus und dein lächeln ist ganz bezaubernd.

    streifen lieb ich ja auch. hab heut z.b. ein streifenkleid an.

    lg dani

  4. Monica your like me I hate my picture to be taken...but your adorable let people snap away!

  5. Oh, wie schön, dich mal zu sehen... Stripe Mania ist wirklich eine tolle Idee. Ich hab' mich heute auch ins kleine Gestreifte geschmissen.
    Schöne Pfingsten wünsche ich dir!
    LG Tesca


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