Tuesday, May 10, 2011

More of Less

As promised last week, for this week's edition of More of Less a look at the new cabinet  in our master bathroom.  Took us two years to realize it, but it was worth the wait.   Thinking back I don't believe that I would have ever come up with this design back when we planning everything else for the house.  My mind was so full of other stuff and I definitely think that it is a good idea to live in a house a while before finishing everything.

The cabinet and shelves above are veneered in Walnut to match unit that holds the sink.  The square door that you see is for the laundry chute that goes to the utility room.  In all of the excitement of the having the cabinet installed I totally forgot to take a before picture.  It was basically just a little corner with a badly installed ugly metal door.

The new cabinet only has a fraction of the storage capabilities of our old cabinet, but like I said last week we really didn't need that much in the bathroom anyway.  Another plus point for the small cabinet (depth) is that I can actually see what I have in there with one glance.  No, more fishing at the back of the cabinet with one arm for this chick.

The best part of the cabinet is the storage for the magazines and the toilet paper.  The stacks of magazines always bugged me and who wants to find that there is no toilet paper when, ehhh, it is too late.  I took a few measurements of the magazines that we frequent and of a roll of toilet paper and the bottom part of the unit was planned.  The rest of the unit is the magic of our carpenter


  1. What a bonus that little space turned out to be...everything you need right there, including the laundry chute, very nice!

  2. ganz ehrlich: komm mal zu mir. in all meinen schränken is chaos... da könntest mal dein more-of-less anwenden ;) bitter nötig hätt ich das.

    aber echt ne gute idee so was aufm blog zu machen. da kommt man ja fast in zugzwang und MUSS dann auch aufräumen... hihi. so kann man sich selbst super austricksen.

    lg dani

  3. So ein perfekt angepasstes Schränkchen könnte mein Bad auch mal vertragen. Das ist wirklich super für all unseren Mädchenkram....
    Schönes Wochenende im Garten wünsche ich dir!
    x. Tesca

  4. It's just lovely...it's amazing how just a little change makes such a difference to us!
    I have had to start a new blog, sorry its been so long since my last visit!


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