Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In the Garden

During the last few weeks I have spent quite a bit of time in the garden.  Partly because the weather has  had been unseasonably warm and we have had no rain, but mostly because I will procrastinate any task to get spend time in it. 

Last week I stopped by my favorite nursery (you know,  just to have a look) and came back with this little box of plants:  two hosta "Gold Edger", two white creeping thyme and a pachysandra.  Hosta are among my favorite plants and I always find it hard to resist when I see a new variety.

Since I have been spending so much of my time in the garden,  I am planning to post about it more.  It is not big, especially by American standard, but I can spend hours in it.  Might have something to do with me constantly re-arranging my plantings or may be I do that to spend more time in it. :)


  1. Hätte ich einen Garten, ich wäre auch stundenlang darin beschäftigt!

  2. I am making arrangements right now to send you the rain...no need to thank me, after all, what are friends for?

  3. I've been the same with our balcony plants. Of course, now it's all cold and I'm worried that their growth is going to be seriously stunted... =( Come back sunshine!!

  4. So jealous we got chilly again, can't wait for the images!


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