Monday, March 21, 2011

More of Less - The Column

The last week of chaos on our planet has brought about the need to create a little more order in my world.  I have occasionally posted about organizing in the past (among others here and here) and have often thought of doing it on a regular basis.  So, with a little push from the Blogging Your Way e-course, that I am currently enrolled in,  I have decided to start a weekly column of sorts showing my way to less chaos. I've titled it  "More of Less" and will show my progress one drawer, box, shelf, or whatever at a time.  Starting next week, the column will be posted Mondays Tuesdays randomly. So,  I have officially committed uncommitted.  :o

My first project is going to be the pantry drawer in the kitchen.  It currently looks like this:

Tomorrow, it will look a lot different.


  1. I have two drawers in my kitchen that look suspiciously similar to yours...down to the bags and the containers, LOL! Looking forward to the reveal...

  2. All my drawers look like this I embrace the mess and call them treasure troves but I think you may have inspired me. I switched out my closet winter clothes for Spring this was a job!

  3. Thanks, I really need this. I have been in quite a state since the horrors of Japan began. I feel the need to bring order to my life too so I will be happy to follow along. I will do something today. Have a good day.

  4. Hi Monica, ob du's glaubst oder nicht, aber meine Küchenschubladen sehen auch so aus (nur schlimmer...). Bin daher super gespannt auf deine Tipps und Nachher-Shot morgen. Vielleicht kriege ich dann mal etwas Ordnungliebe verordnet ;-)
    Wünsch' dir eine tolle Woche!


  5. Hi Monica: I just came over from BYW and the Week 3 Homework. This is a great idea!!! I will check back (or subscribe!) to see the results each week.
    I did a "golden oldie" for the assignment: reposted one of my most popular posts...and must put it on the BYW forum right now!

  6. mhmmm... soll ich meine schubladen auch noch in den frühjahrsputz mit einbeziehen?!!? nö... dann werd ich ja gar nimmer fertig ;-) bei mir sehen die in etwa gleich aus. und glaub mir, das sortieren bringt nichts - zumindest nicht bei mir.

    aber ne gute idee... die kolumne :)


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