Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More of Less

Progress, one drawer down and a lot more to post about in the future.  Once I got everything out of the drawer I couldn't believe how much I (and my husband) had stuffed in there.  Among the stuff I pulled out of the drawer were enough lentils and beans to feed my block.   The result of running out to the grocery store and not checking what we have.  The upside is that I have a few dinner ideas now, lentils anyone? :)

Once I had everything out, I wiped the drawer out with a vinegar/water solution, sorted what should stay in the kitchen and what should go in the basement pantry and put those items back that we need on a regular basis.

As always, when I re-organize anything I find we need more containers.  A trip to IKEA is definitely going to be put on the schedule soon. We haven't been in ages and still haven't gotten the spice jars I need for my spice cabinet overhaul.  I am definitely going to need a few more 365+ Containers to get rid of the last of the bags.

Of course, this was really the easy part.  The real work will be to keep it the way it is now.  A little maintenance and maybe some sort of standard shopping and/or stock list.

Next Monday there will be another "More of Less".  Not sure yet if I will just continue in the kitchen or move on to something else.  Probably the latter, because that is the way I tend to do things around the house.


  1. Congratulations, it sure looks good! I think you hit the nail on the head about containers. Big and small, they are needed to get and keep things in order. Thanks for the inspiration and sharing.

  2. congrats - looks great! I hear you, I need to hit Ikea for more containers myself. I tell myself that the mess in the drawer is the part where you have to 'live with the mess' for a while before you know which containers you really need... =)

  3. They look great , ok good bye treasure troves and hello organization!!

  4. What a difference that clean out made. Now I feel inspired to do the same!


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