Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Last week I ran across Zzzoolights,  the work of kirigami artist Ramin Razani for Officina CreaAren't they just too cute and in a good way?  Modern lines with just the right amount of whimsy.

I just wish that I would have discovered them about 3 or 4 years ago. Tomorrow I am going to ask Sam, but I can guess he would prefer a dinosaur or a shark version.

(images: officina crea)


  1. Those are so cute, my favorite is the cat!

  2. ahhhh... soooo süß! kann verstehen, dass du dich ärgerst. mein paul würde evtl. auch nen dino bevorzugen, aber mit seinen "fast" 3 jahren habe ich noch die macht. ich schau da gleich mal rein ;-) DANKE!


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