Thursday, January 12, 2012

Those Little Things (That Nag)

Sometimes it is those little things that just never get done. You know, those things that don't deem important enough to be put on a to-do list.  These are the things that end up nagging me tenfold the amount of time it would actually take to just get them done.  Enter the hand towels in our guest bathroom.

Like the towels, the towel loop not so much.   When a loop came off of one of the towels I knew I would have to do something, eventually.

Eventually came a few months later when I found this ribbon while Christmas shopping.  The picture above almost makes it look like I know what I am doing, but I don't really. 

I winged it and am hoping the ribbon holds the strains a seven year old will undoubtedly put on it.  This is going to be one of the things that I will add to my to-do list just to have the self satisfaction of crossing it off again.

Speaking of lists, I have been working on a major one.  Jules from Pancakes & French Fries is continuing The William Morris Project with a post every Thursday and a link up.  She created an awesome list describing her intentions for each room with all the things she would like to accomplish.  A list broken down by room is exactly what I need to keep me focused.  I will be joining her Thursdays with something that I have accomplished.  Most of the time it will fit under the header of my (slightly withered) More of Less series, but sometimes it will be just be something that I needed wanted to get done for our home (like today).  So, here goes.

Replace loop on guest towels

I am still tweaking my list and will be posting it sometime in the next week.  Today I plan to spend a good part of the day over in the comment section at Jules and visiting all the blogs that have linked up.  Should make for an inspiring day.  Thanks Jules!

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”
- William Morris


  1. Visiting from the WMP - those loops look great! Not only that, but I'm pinning that idea for later use. :-) Congrats on completing one of those mundane projects that need to be done, but we just never get around to doing! :-)

  2. Great idea! That ribbon compliments your towels perfectly! Do they attach the original tags that way on purpose so they can hang by them? I guess all my towels have tags that aren't attached at both ends. And they're so dang slippery, there doesn't seem to be a hook out there that can hold them. I guess it wouldn't matter anyway, when my kids need something that's on a hook or a hanger, they just grab it and yank until they get it.

    Can't wait to see what other projects you work on!

  3. I love, love, love that ribbon! It's like modern ginham. It must be the gray that makes it look modern? Either way, I love it. I was just telling my husband (in my head--don't want to stress him with talks of construction) that when we do our bathroom remodel I want to lose the shower bars and have hooks or something to hang our towels. They just get musty when they are folded on the towel rods.

  4. That really is the perfect ribbon, isn't it?! Nice work!

  5. Love the ribbon too, what a great idea. Onto my list goes this! Thanks for the idea.

  6. When I repainted the kids' bathroom, I removed all the towel bars and replace them with a DIY peg rail that extends the entire length of the bathroom wall. My mother added loops to their bath towels, and now when I say, "Please go hang up your towel," they can actually accomplish the task (also eliminates the mustiness Jules mentions). I should have done the same in the guest bath where they wash their hands all day, because that hand towel never gets hung up. Never. A good change to think about!

  7. Hi, clicking over from the WMP. Lovely ribbon fix! I admire your attention to detail.

  8. I love the gingham, and what a handy idea. I will file that one away.

  9. I have always wanted to add fun loops to my towels! Nice project!

  10. @ Carrie - Thanks for stopping by!
    @ Pam - Yes, tags are typically applied that way in Germany. I still have a lot of my American towels and hang them folded =:o over our towel radiator. Thanks for commenting!

    @ Jules - Ha Ha! Glad to know that I am not the only one who has those kind of conversations. Sometimes I argue. Thanks for starting this!!

    @ Juliette - I was so psyched when I found the ribbon. I used a wider version to hang the wreath on our front door.

    @ Jennifer - Thanks for visiting!

    @ Melissa - It is working for us, so far. Thank you for stopping by!

    @ Kelly - Thanks for clicking!

    @ Lisa - Hi! Thanks for stopping by!

    @ Alice - Hi and thanks for commenting!

  11. I love that saying and how true is that ....I love your handy work and I'll send some snow your way Momma we got 5 more inches last night....enough already....hehe the kids love it though!

    I'm off to buy some flowers today, I think it will make all the difference!

  12. Isn't it amazing how much better we feel when we can cross something like this off our lists? I really should do more of it!

  13. Hi, just found my way over from Chez Larsson. What a fab idea! Have pinned it! That ribbon looks really nice with your towels.

  14. @ Carin - Hi and thanks for stopping by!

  15. Oh this is so great! I am going to copy this idea for sure, thanks!


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