Tuesday, October 11, 2011

More of Less

I have been obsessed with interested in organizing for a long time. Especially if other people are doing the organizing and I am watching the process on TV or on my computer screen.  Oh, I have dabbled in the process in the past (see my very neglected More of Less column).  In fact,  I am pretty sure that one of my very first purchases ever at IKEA included storage boxes.  I got rid of those boxes in January and wrote about it in my first post titled  More of Less.  Over the course of my "column" I lost sight of the title or maybe I just wasn't ready for what it really meant or not fully committed.  Who knows.

I am still not there, but I am closer.  For the longest time I thought being organized only involved putting things in pretty boxes or containers. It does not, that is merely a quick fix.  A few weeks ago I read this.
Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.
–William Morris.
Now this is the house that I want to live in and those should be the words repeated before something is organized into a box. Jules at Pancakes & French Fries is on her best way with her October series titled "31 Days of William Morris" and her blog is where I first read the quote.  It is also the place I have found countless hours of blog reading excellence.  Really.  Go have a look.

So what does this mean?  It means that I am taking no prisoners and  have ordered a special trash pick-up for large bulky items (called Sperrmüll in Germany).  Everything has to be out on the curb on the morning of October 25th.   I mean business.

I am also back in my shelves, containers and cabinets. Here is a photo of the after of a bathroom drawer,  unfortunately there is no before picture.

It was one of those organizing projects that came about spontaneously.  As in, I opened the drawer and went into a fit.  It was a productive fit.  I threw out a lot of stuff (mainly lipgloss).  You know the half used, can't remember when I bought it kind.  Most importantly I found a use for the dividers that  came with the pullout drawers from the IKEA PAX closet.  I hope they will help keep mayhem at bay. This post is all about purging, but sometimes it pays to keep (see the useful part of the quote).  I even had to partake in some saw action so that the slats would fit. Yes, I am talking real big time blogger stuff and I only have this picture to show for it.


  1. You're a very brave gal. I know the words you speak are true and I must do it too. I will move forward and not look back. Thanks for the push and the link...I'm off to check it out. xo

  2. Well good for you, Monica! I'm doing something similar on Planet Baby as The Great Unpack continues apace. There is something so cathartic about throwing things out, don't you think? J x

  3. Love it Monica! The best thing that happened to me was moving last year! Oh, the things I threw out. It was a great feeling. Then, once we got down here and started unpacking, I gave away, recycled (whatever you want to call it!) a ton more. We just don't need all we keep..... So I am with you!

  4. Ach bitte komm doch mal bei mir vorbei und hilf mir beim Misten!

    Und ja die Kannen gefallen (leider ;-))

  5. Sieht toll aus, so organized... Deine Serie more of less inspiriert mich immer wieder aufs Neue. LG Tesca

  6. nothing feels better when you go home and you know that everything is clean and orginized!!


  7. Oh I adore that quote words to live by!


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