Painting a doormat, how hard could it be? Well, a little harder than I thought. On the Monday after my
initial post I jumped right into the project and bought all needed supplies. Since I was making my own template for the pattern I decided to alter it slightly. The H&M doormat was a little too pointy. So, I widened the spacing between the tips of the zigs and zags. I started the stencil and was almost finished when I realized that not only did each row need to be centered (with a tip in the middle in each), but the spacing and angles needed to be (fairly) accurate.
So, on to stencil number two. You might be able to discern the center line that I penciled in. I made the pattern template using equally sized rectangles taped together at 90˚ angles and then used it to trace all of the rows I needed.
Then I cut out the stencil wearing down the blades of my box cutters in the process. It took up a, felt, eternity.
There it is the plain doormat, about to be transformed. In case you are wondering I did for a moment consider running back to the store to get yellow spray paint, but then I thought of hoards of small muddy shoes. FYI, I used a whole can (small one) of spray paint to get the black I wanted. Turns out coconut fiber is a natural fiber (duh) and absorbs paint, lots of paint.
And here it is all finished and stuff.