Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Fairytale

One of my favorite guilty pleasures during the holiday season is to watch Drei Haselnuesse fuer Aschenbroedel (Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella), a film colloboration between the Czech Republic and East Germany.

It is a fairytale with a modern heroine set in a snow covered landscape and accompanied by a dreamy soundtrack.  Over the years it has developed into a classic in Germany and is shown on TV every year between Christmas and New Year.  I wouldn't miss it.


  1. Looks lovely! For us it's the classic "Doctor Zhivago", all these years I've never managed to watch it till the end!
    BTW thanks for adding me to your fav blog list!!!

  2. So funny, I had no idea! This is what I get for not having a TV w/reception. We've never been TV people, so when we moved here we just never hooked ours up (just for dvds). I will have to ask my MIL about it and maybe we'll see it at her house, lol. We did just get a bunch of American Christmas movie classics in the mail thanks to Amazon, ha!

    Thanks for stopping by! Looks like you have a lovely space!


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